Has anyone used Spytown photo blocker license plate spray. It claims to reflect the photo camera flash back at the camera rendering the plate as one big white glaring light. I was ticketed once in NY for a clear plate cover. If this stuff works is it any different than satin polyurethane spray for $ 3.99 at Home Depot?
I'm sure it's different and if you got ticketed for a clear plate cover, you will be ticketed for that too. I was ticketed for the film that goes over the plate. Anything that obscures your license plate is illegal.
Photoblocker spray and cover legality depends on your state. Unless your state specifically prohibits any spray or cover that interferes with traffic camera usage, it's otherwise legal. A state can't arbitrarily prohibit something not codified into their laws. In other words, a state official can't simply say off the top of their head, "that's illegal" or "you can't do that" without being able to point out the specific law or vehicle code prohibiting it. Any judge would toss that. The manufacturers of these products have (supposedly) voluntarily agreed to restrict sales of the product to states where it's legal, and they can incur legal liability if they sell it where it's prohibited. I'd say check with the manufacturer of the product you intend to buy.
I can tell you in Maryland anything that obscures the license plate is illegal. You can't even cover it with glass. I suspect that if the OP already received one ticket, it's illegal. Speed and traffic light cameras generate big money.
"Big government" states are almost certain to have outlawed it by now California, New York, Pennsylvania, DC, and Virginia are almost certain to prohibit it. These are states that are very revenue dependent on squeezing motorists as tightly as possible. I'm not 100 percent certain, but I'm almost sure they're legal in TX. People here are extra-wary of how much power they give the government. Laws like that would last about five minutes before the phone lines of our legislators would be clogged with ticked-off citizens. Lawmakers that try being "Big Brother" tend to not be in government for very long out here. Your state may vary. Cheers.
Not necessarily, most of these items will come with a disclaimer, "not legal in all states", or "for off road use only". You can buy them here and in Idaho, they are illegal in both. So do not assume that because it is sold in your state it is legal.
doesn't work, they tried a bunch of these on Mythbusters and not one blocked the plate numbers from a camera
Perhaps for the same reason why some people require a radar detector or a laser jammer: to not get a ticket. Not like the spray will help them, but it's all in the head, y'know.
Speed is one thing. Most of the time, you can exceed posted speed limits perfectly safely. Routinely running red lights is never safe and you should be ticketed for it. Evading tolls, while not dangerous, is just plain juvenile. It's like sneaking into the back door of a theater ... over and over again. Maybe we should wait for the OP to tell us his rationale - but I'm not holding my breath until that happens.
We could just not drive in a fashion that would cause us to get a ticket....just a thought! (Tongue in cheek)
I can tell you this, the George Washington Parkway in Washington DC has a 45mph speed limit in sections with speed cameras. It's very easy to exceed the speed limit. I don't know if it's even possible to drive 45 there without being tailgated in any lane.
45? Really. I've only ever known crawl and "with the flow". Of course, if the beltway and I270, have been really slow, warp speed has been used to get to Turkey Run Park.............