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Personalities are emerging in the Forums: Need a clearer link to photo Galleries.

Discussion in 'Member Feedback' started by Brian A, Jun 2, 2008.

    • Member

    Brian A

    Post Count: 659
    Likes Received:7
    If a User has a photo Gallery, it would be great if a hyperlink to their Gallery were listed as part of the information posted under their ID info in a Forum posting.

    Currently in the Forums, the left side of each post identifies the User, gives their Member status, shows their Avatar and gives stats about their website participation but makes no mention of Gallery entries. Perhaps also adding the date of the latest activity in the gallery would encourage others to click the link more frequently.

    Personalities are emerging in the Forums, so it is becoming a bit of a community. It would be great to see each User's Galleries. I know some of the forum participants have Galleries, but, as far as I can figure, it's not obvious who does and who does not.

    Another reason to more clearly link IDs to Galleries is because people are starting to post more and more photos into the forums themselves, which makes them hard to find again and transitory.
    • Staff

    steven s

    Post Count: 2,515
    Likes Received:125
    It can be easily added.
    I have a photo gallery link on my two boards I run.

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