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Only 1 rebate per membership?

Discussion in 'Membership Rewards Rebate' started by azhou17, Apr 25, 2022.

    • Member


    Post Count: 1
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    I got approved for a rebate in 2019 for my 5-series. My lease is up and I am getting an X5 but my page said I am not eligible to submit a new one?

    Is it one rebate per lifetime of the membership?
    • Staff

    steven s

    Post Count: 2,515
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    1 rebate per calendar year per member and VIN.
    Your membership lapsed 12/31/2021. You reinstated your membership 01/08/2022. Since you reinstated for 3 years, you would be eligible 6 months from your reinstatement. That being 7/8/2022.

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