... Oktoberfest 2010, first timers. Very enjoyable. Just checking ... Will there be a photo gallery created and made available for this year's 2010 Oktoberfest? There are specific photo galleries for Oktoberfest 2007, 2008, 2009 but nothing for this year. Who creates new galleries? It's been two months. Are there any official club photos (other than the handful previously posted)? I suspect that I was not the only member at O'Fest with a camera. I would really like to see photos of the event from other peoples perpsectives. Thanks D
Photo Gallery has been added - 2010 O'Fest How 'bout that ... The new photo gallery for O'Fest 2010 appeared. Thanks A little odd though, it just appeared, without so much as a "here you go" or a "kiss my foot" ... Oh well ... ... ... One and all, please take a moment and add some of your photos or videos from Oktoberfest this year. Many of us would love to see them. Thanks! D
I apologize for not replying when the gallery was added. I hope that everyone with photos will take advantage of the chance to share them!