This isn't really a DIY question. I have an 06 325i which has a leak from the oil pan gasket, while I had it in for service at the BMW dealer a short while ago I had them give me an estimate to replace it, I was told that replacing the gasket required that a new oil pan was installed also, is this correct ? The pan was around $900 plus labor.
Oil pan itself I have not needed to replaced just the gasket. I do quite a few of these gaskets and have never replaced the pan itself unless there is damage.
i didn't mention that it's a e90 would that make a difference and about how much should it cost to replace the gasket.
No I got that from the 06 325i no difference still no need to replace the pan just the gasket and bolts for the pan.
Gasket and bolts shouldn't be _too_ much, relatively speaking - you can look up parts with approximate prices on to get a general idea, google part numbers to get more specific, keeping in mind online may be less than dealer retail. If you're going to have your dealer do the job vs. and independent shop, many dealers offer a price discount on parts to 'CCA members, so don't forget to ask (you may need to show your membership card as they might want your 'CCA membership number). It will cost more than an oil change w/ filter, additional labor dependent on how quickly the oil pan can be removed, the gasket removed, gasket surfaces cleaned and prepped for the new gasket, and again, ease of access for re-installation. Plus buttoning up all underbody panels and the like. Not familiar w/ those aspects on your car, but I wouldn't be surprised at a minimum 1 hour additional labor on top of oil change, and would think more likely two, maybe even 3, 4, or more hours, if for whatever reason oil-pan access isn't an easy zip-out-all-bolts-n-drop-the-pan procedure.