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Oil Cooler

Discussion in 'E90/E91/E92/E93 (2006-2011)' started by 391075, May 27, 2016.

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    I see there has been some discussion on oil coolers but no information easily found regarding the models where coolers are standard equipment. Would anyone know if a 2008 E93 with the sports package has an adequate oil cooler ? It would be hard to believe it did not given the high engine temps of the twin turbo engines. Thanks.
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    Quickest way to see if your vehicle has one is to look for oil lines by the oil filter and radiator. If there is no oil lines then you don't have a external oil cooler. If you want take a picture of the oil filter housing area and I'll take a look.
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    Thanks for replying. It seems all the E92/93 cars of my vintage with the "sports package" were equipped with oil coolers. I've done some digging and yes, lines by the oil filter housing determines whether the engine is equipped with an oil cooler. There is also a vented removable plastic panel directly in from of the right front tire that gives access to the radiator.

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