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Ohlins Road & Track Coilovers and Vorschlag Camber Plates for Sell

Discussion in 'E90/E92/E93 M3 (2008-2013)' started by JarekSanto, Dec 10, 2014.

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    JarekSanto guest

    Post Count: 33
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    I had these on my E92 M3 and they were a tremendous combination of performance at the track and comfort for daily driving. Very easy to adjust from track to street use.

    Took them off my M3 to have them serviced and then decided to sell the M3. They have been serviced by Ohlins... I sent them back to South Carolina and paid $800 to have them serviced. They are in excellent shape.

    Cost of coilovers when new: $3,159
    Cost of camber plates when new: $529

    I also have an extra set of Swift front springs... I think I paid $200 or $300 for them. Can't recall exactly. In any case, I bought them because I wanted even more performance at the track. You can have both sets of springs.

    I have paper work showing service work from Ohlins if you'd like to see it.

    As good as the M3 is right off the show room floor, the Ohlins made it WAY WAY better.

    See photos at http://seattle.craigslist.org/est/pts/4799952311.html

    $1,999 or best offer.

    I can ship them to you if you want to pay for shipping.
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    steven s

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    Please use the classifieds for placing ads.
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