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OFest Pictures!!

Discussion in 'Oktoberfest 2012' started by garent24, Sep 29, 2012.

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    I can't believe it has been a week since we were in Ohio!!!
    I finally got through most of my pictures (2000 in 2 days!) and posted them on my website. I was at Fridays AutoCross event and at Mid-Ohio on Saturday, so if you were at those events and don't see your car, send me a note, I probably have you in my files.

    I am still finalizing my e-commerce print sales portion of my site, so if you would like to buy prints or license images, please drop me a note at garen@garentphotography.com

    Garen Johnson
    Windy City BMW Member
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    I thought I would post a few favorites here too:
    Michiana-Mid-ohio -2.jpg
    Randy-Autocross (2 of 2).jpg Oktoberfest-AutoX-53.jpg Oktoberfest-MidOhio-9.jpg Oktoberfest-MidOhio-19.jpg Oktoberfest-MidOhio-58.jpg
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    Nice pix, good job! If the 4th pic is from instructor sessions, pretty sure that's me, I don't think we had any other Bronzit 325is's in the instructor group.

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