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NorCal - Bimmerfest 2014

Discussion in 'Pacific Region' started by m3dragon, Feb 27, 2014.

    m3dragon guest

    Post Count: 333
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    Hello Gang,

    First let me say I will not be attending this year. Wife and I are expecting our first child the same day as Bimmerfest. So there was no way I could argue out of that one HAHA.

    I am posting the route I lead last year for Bavarian 500 guys. There are a few people on this thread and a few others that will be taking over in my stead. To help them out I have made a signup sheet so as we get closer I can relay the information out. For 2015 I have great weekend planned which I was not able to lead this year. So if you can't make this year, next year will be a blast.

    Sign up here

    2014 Bimmerfest NorCal group drive

    1. Drive down - Friday May 16
    Drive from Northern California to Pasadena . Lunch will be in San Luis Obispo along with a fuel stop for those who need it. Dinner will be at Slater’s 50/50 for burgers, beer and stories at 7:30pm till you are tired.

    Slater's 50/50
    Burgers / Shakes / Micro Brewery
    61 North Raymond Avenue
    Pasadena, CA 91103
    (626) 765-9700

    2. Event Addresses and Check points
    Event start point:
    Meet Time: 8:30am
    Address: Target Parking Lot - 1790 Airline Highway, Hollister, CA 95023
    Depart Time: 9:15am

    Official starting point for the drive down to Pasadena. Once the drive leaves this location, we will be using the following timetables for each check point with a plus or minus 10 minute factor. If you are not at these locations, or are not with the group at the time of departure, you are on your own.

    Rally Point
    Meet Time: 10:15am
    Address: Valero - 50940 Mesa Verde Rd, King City, CA
    Depart Time: 10:00am – 10:30am
    Fuel stop and restroom break. This is also the rally point for those in the Central Valley of California caravan to join the main caravan. This stop will be as fast as possible in order to keep the group on schedule for the remaining check points.

    Lunch Stopping Point:
    Meet Time: 12:45pm
    Address: 297 Madonna Road, San Luis Obispo, CA
    Depart Time: 1:30pm

    Lunch and second fuel stop for the group. Choices for food are, Chipotle, McDonalds, Applebee’s, Panera Bread, Deli (local), IHOP, and Denny’s. The group will roll out at 1:30, so make sure to be ready to roll.

    End of the drive:
    Arrive Time: 5:00pm - 6:30pm (Depending on traffic)
    Address: Super 8 Pasadena, 2863 E Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA
    End of day one after a long but fun day of driving. Dinner will start at 7:30pm.

    3. Hotel Information
    For reasonable room rates the Super 8 Motel Pasadena. Single Queen $84.00 a night including tax
    For those who are on the SUPER tight budget, rooms at the Rodeway Inn & Suites across the street for $71.00 a night. You must call in and book the room on your own. They are a first come first serve.

    m3dragon guest

    Post Count: 333
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    Not sure if you guys are interested but I can have a set of decals made for the trip down.

    Cost would be $25 for a set, shipping and fees included. These decals are the same style I use for my overnight drives so I know they are safe to use on paint.



    m3dragon guest

    Post Count: 333
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    Just a bump.

    Also decals measure 8.5 X 11 so they fit all BMW's. If you want them PM me for payment details

    m3dragon guest

    Post Count: 333
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    m3dragon guest

    Post Count: 333
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    Week bump so people can find the thread.

    Remember decals are optional and you can make any 3 letter / number combo as you can see on the image. The decals are stick and reuse if taken care of.

    There is a socal thread started for the gang down there to find each other.

    m3dragon guest

    Post Count: 333
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    As I have had a few PM's from other forums. If you would like a decal please order them from the link below.

    Put in your top number, letter, or 3 charter combo and I will send them out mid April. You have till April 30th to request these so I have enough time to mail them.


    m3dragon guest

    Post Count: 333
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    Some people have made the request to setup a caravan from the Bay Area to Hollister. The rally point for this caravan will be as follows:

    Casino M8trix
    1887 Matrix Boulevard
    San Jose, CA 95110

    Meet time: 7:30am
    Depart time: 8:00am ON THE DOT!

    Please also fill out the Google sign up link. Details and full event route will be emailed to those who sign up.

    m3dragon guest

    Post Count: 333
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    bump but I am guessing no CCA members even care or have never even read this thread. Oh well.
    • Member


    Post Count: 178
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    I have been reading and I thought it was interesting but would not work for me this year. I do appreciate you posting this type of activities.
    • Staff

    steven s

    Post Count: 2,515
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    I think you may be witnessing a generational divide.

    The LA Chapter and a couple of us from the National Office will be representing BMW CCA at Bimmerfest West.
    Stop by.
    • Member


    Post Count: 3,989
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    Don't take any lack of response on the forums personally; the number of _regular_ participants here is a micro-fraction of overall club members, (and, whoever's here, are from all over the country), and you're organizing a completely regional event. I'm in Ohio for instance, and with pretty much two weeks to run across the country and back, especially after O'Fest last year, it just ain't gonna happen again so soon; it's gonna be enough with O'Fest in Colorado this year, at least for me.

    The national forums here are not a bad place to promote a local or semi-local event, but the best places to get word out are at the local chapter level via any social media such as chapter Facebook pages, event details published in chapter newsletters & chapter websites, and hitting up the chapter members who actively run/attend local meetings and events to solicit their help with letting members know what you're planning.

    Lack of response here in no way implies that members do not or would not care about anything you're doing - if you did a poll of a bunch of members, I imagine most would applaud you or anyone organizing & running any events, and your support & enthusiasm for the marque, & willingness to take initiative to do anything on behalf of other members. It's a volunteer-run club, it takes that willingness & volunteerism for anything to happen in the club, & it's rather remarkable that BMW's, as cars & motorcycles go, inspire such a degree of enthusiasm, generally speaking.

    Whatever reads this thread has gotten, it's quite likely they're almost all by club members who are on the forums; I kinda doubt the forums have many "lurkers", and I don't know if the forums even count thread views my non-member guests or anyone reading who's not logged in, adding any such views to the thread-views count.

    Also - participation in anything can vary up & down for countless reasons, it's speculative guessing at best as to why, unless one is able to quiz a majority of prior participants and discern something. If you had a good turnout for this last year and this year not so much, that hardly makes a trend - who knows, you're not being able to make it this year either might also factor into it for your repeat attendees.

    I'd say don't sweat it, it's more than enough to put it out there, particularly when in such a time as you & the missus rapidly closing in on your soon-to-be first born's due-date, which is a truly big deal that supercedes any & all car club events, particularly any that will repeat on future calendars. (btw, Congratulations!)

    m3dragon guest

    Post Count: 333
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    Radio, Radio, Radio.

    Please remember to bring or by two way radios before the event. This helps in safety and keeps you in the loop of road conditions. Also knowing where Johnny Law is helps.

    http://www.amazon.com/Motorola-MR35...535781&sr=8-1&keywords=motorola two way radio

    Amazon has them at a good price with the link above.

    Lastly remember to sign up on the Google doc as route and other drive details will be posted there.

    m3dragon guest

    Post Count: 333
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    Mgarrison - I am not sweating the posting at all. I have emailed the main people about the use of the BMW CCA forums which I am sure will not change.

    Yes there is a generational gap and I have had my own issue with my local chapter. I might represent a small potion of the BMW CCA as a whole but that group is one of the most vocal for change. At least in my chapter and as a club as a hole.

    But my complaints and efforts to help including talks with national are for a different thread.

    m3dragon guest

    Post Count: 333
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    First round of decals are in. If you want them order ASAP.

    Don't forget to sign up on the google doc link. I will be sending maps out next week to all those who signed up.


    m3dragon guest

    Post Count: 333
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    Can you believe the drive is around the corner =)

    For those who have not signed up on the Google docs link yet, a email was sent out with all the maps and details for the drive. If you wish to have this info, please fill out the Google link on the first post.

    This is the LAST week for you to order the custom decals to have a souvenir for the drive down. These make for some fun collectables of drives you go on.

    m3dragon guest

    Post Count: 333
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    For all those who have signed up on Google Doc, a email was sent out with the finalized route this caravan will be taking. This is the fun route for the drive down so if you did not get the email please let me know.

    For those who are coming from Sacramento I suggest using the following location.

    8450 Elk Grove Boulevard
    Elk Grove, CA 95758

    For those of you coming form other locations to meet up in Holister, I would suggest posting a location on this thread and I can relay it to the other posts I made.

    The only other caravan I know of is the one from Casino Matrix. Make sure no matter what you leave there at 8:00am to be able to meet up with the others at the start of the drive.

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