Moderators move where you see fit...but as these are relative to the M3...LOL. After 21 years of my plates AMG THIS which have seen duty on my E30 M3, E36M3, E39M5 & now my E92 M3....I gave em up because of the irate response they have caused....mind you this was NEVER the case as TRUE enthusiasts saw this as it was intended...tongue-n-cheek it seems every teenager who's daddy's have bought them a high performance sports car or some %$#& who takes things a little too personal....goes nutso so here are the new ones....for all you S65 will know what it means.. these will grace the 2011 E90 M3 that will be delivered in August....cause after this...the S65 IS No Longer
cool plates, the AMG this plate was pretty funny though, I kinda wish the Vermont CCA chapter could get some plates like that too
Nice plates! In my neverending quest to restore a E24 Euro, I see NLA way too often. Unless BMW AG changes their mind, your chapter logo (as well as ours) will also be NLA before too long.
Say it ain't so sorry don't follow??....are you saying that BMW AG & BMW NA have an issue with the use of the Roundel in our BMWCCA chapter logos???....if so then they are really really FOOLS!!!.... I wonder how many "M" cars are purchased by true enthusiasts & club members??? well as BMW's in general?? would think they would want us to be a happy bunch. Regards S