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Discussion in 'Member Introductions' started by DeegGD, Mar 19, 2009.

    DeegGD guest

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    HI....thrilled to be here. Just purchased ny first BMW....albeit older (2001). But it's in great condition, handles beatiflly and I can now say I own a beemer. It's a 2001 325i....I love it!! One question- how do I find what's going on in my ocal chapter or area? I live in DC and although I am interested in national stuff.....I'm more interested in local stuff to me. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!
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    No, you can now say you own a BIMMER. A BEEMER/BEAMER is a motorcycle. Go to the national capital chapter website to find out what is going on locally. You should also get a monthly newsletter from your chapter. For service and performance upgrades, visit my brother's shop in Dulles- rrtservice.com. Tell him I sent you and... well you won't get any special treatment, but then he'll owe me more favors.
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    Welcome!! As Paul said, but don't be confused your local chapter is called "National Capital Chapter" :D
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    TeamStowell We love driving!

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    Welcome to the gang!

    Make sure you search out the chapter membership chair... they will have a bunch of information for you, and by all means get involved with events that will interest you.
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    John in VA

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    Yes, definitely check out the National Capital Chapter. I live in Crofton, MD and belong to both. Lots of incredible information available from reading the forums, and you can post questions/concerns of your own.

    Welcome to the best club around!;)

    missmelyssa guest

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    Hi and welcome!
    You'll meet lots of nice, funny and knowledgeable people here.
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    Such as yourself, Miss I-traded-my-E90-for-an-E30... :D
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    Welcome to the asylum!

    Yes, you're now surrounded with all sorts of friends. . . RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! :eek:

    Actually, it's not THAT awful. . .

    . . . and hey: What did she mean, "funny"?!

    :D :D :D
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    TeamStowell We love driving!

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    I'm sure she is talking about funny "amusing" vs. funny "strange".

    It's all the people who are not members of the BMW Car Cult of America that are the strange ones. Isn't it normal to own multiple sets of tires for your vehicle and hang around race track and auto show parking lots during all of your free time?

    missmelyssa guest

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    I know you'll never let me live that one down. Luckily I'm quite happy with the swap.
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    Eh? I greatly respect you for that, none of that "let you live it down" malarky! :cool:
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    Yeah; I'd pretty much bet she hasn't met Satch yet ... :D

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