Hello, I just joined up this site last week and got a email (welcome to site) and it said "BMW CCA members: When you go back to the site, please enter your membership number and name for access to the new electronic edition of Roundel magazine, free classified ads, and other member features...." Were do i enter my CCA members number? I got a invoice email after i paid the $40.00 and had my membership number and i tried to sign up at my chapter (northstars) and said that my number was not a number??? Any help would be great. Cheers, Aaron
Your number should already be in the system. "BMW CCA Member" showed up under your username, which usually indicates a successful setup of your membership status...
Hi, Thanks and right after i wrote this thread i did see that under my user name...lol I wrote to the chapter after i posted this and just waiting for a reply. On the chapter web page they ask for the members (CCA) number to register for there site. http://htmldb.northstarbmw.org/pls/htmldb/f?p=130:2:3778330645044344::NO:2,3,4:: How long does it take to get a BMW CCA card in the mail? I can not buy any parts at the local dealer (need the card). Cheers,