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New member--135 owner

Discussion in 'E81/E82/E87/E88 (2004-present)' started by MastaMind, Nov 11, 2008.

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    It really made that big a difference?? I've been meaning to do it ever since I got the car but I just keep putting it off (seems like other projects keep moving ahead of it on the priority list). I always figured it would just be a really minor, subtle difference? I wonder if that's why the 135 and I have issues with heel/toe? It's just never been as smooth and effortless as it is on the E36's

    I guess it's time to move this UP on the priority list again...

    MastaMind guest

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    It's exactly why I was having problems with heel/toe. The clutch engagement was never consistent. It's such an easy install, too. I put it off for a while as well but really shouldn't have.

    MastaMind guest

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    My exhaust finally came in:


    I also ordered the springs today.
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    With Age Comes Wisdom!

    At least English is posted here!

    I have to find 238 in OR!

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