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New brakes all the way around

Discussion in 'E70 X5 (2007-2013)' started by mrglock, Mar 21, 2013.

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    I was surprised to need to replace the brakes on our 2011 e70 at 37k. I have realize that all of the BMW we've owned, that needed brakes, seemed to need all 4 wheels. Anyone else replaced brakes at around 37k? I was pretty sweet to have warranty cover brakes though!!!!!!!
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    Thats actually pretty good for brakes on a E70 of course brake life depends on how the drivers uses the brakes. I have replaced them at 22k for fronts and 35k for rears. Yes warranty covering braks is pretty awesome.
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    At just 32K, X5/E70 2009, all four wheels done, NO rotors etc...not a hard driver, but 80% of trips less than 10 miles. Lucky you had them done on warranty...my bill at the dealer cashier was over $750!!!!! No Rotors, No pistons, seals etc. Rears were 1mm, fronts still had 3mm, but decided to do all at the same time. NO warning from the iDrive warning...checked the status just a few days earlier and it said I still had 12 months to go. GO FIGURE. Car was in for a bad cylinder #6 ignition coil that failed.

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