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Never got my membership card :/

Discussion in 'Member Benefits and Questions' started by jlnguyen, Jun 10, 2011.

    jlnguyen guest

    Post Count: 5
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    Hey everyone, I've been a member here for a few months. I was talking to my buddy today and he told me that every BMW CCA member has a membership card? I was never sent one, is there any way I can get my card? What's odd is that I get my monthly roundel magazines, I was just never sent a membership card. Any help is appreciated.
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    Post Count: 1,616
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    I'll bump this in hope that Steven will see it - or you can call or email the national office. They'll take care of you ... but you can only get the secret handshake from one of us.
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,509
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    Replacement card has been ordered.

    jlnguyen guest

    Post Count: 5
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    Thanks for the bump!

    Awesome, thank you so much for the quick response!

    Syrupflow guest

    Post Count: 47
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    What's the secret handshake??!? :p
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

    Post Count: 2,188
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    The secret handshake

    Hey, let's not be letting everybody know about the secret handshake! First of all, I'm not sure all of them are willing to sacrifice a finger to make it work properly! :eek:

    Syrupflow guest

    Post Count: 47
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    I don't need all 10 to drive.

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