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NAv Screen Freezing

Discussion in 'E46 (1999-2006)' started by dave330i, May 8, 2014.

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    '04 330i with Navigation system. Recently updated to 2013 dual DVDs for the navigation maps. Now my screen locks up and I cannot do anything except listen to the radio. The firmware is 4-1/91. I've seen other posting on other forums about updating to 4-1/00 as the latest. Problem is I'm not sure /00 is equivalent to 100 or "zero". Also, it appears the part number is a discontinued part number even if is correct.

    Am I barking up the wrong tree pursuing a firmware update? Has anybody else had this problem?
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    How often does this happen? How hot is it outside? It is always good to have the latest firmware especially when running the new DVD's. You can burn your own programming disc there are a lot of write ups on the forums about this.

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