I have a 2011 550i with ~15,500 miles, the tires have ~ 9,000 (I run winter tires). The tires are Goodyear Excellence RFT OEMs. I live near Chicago. I went to Black River Falls, WI for the Memorial Day Weekend. Sometime in the first day, I managed to bubble/tear the left front sidewall. The opening was about two inches long and had a gaping hole about an inch wide. The exterior rubber was torn through, but the interior "pressure vessel" appeared to be intact and the TPMs seemed happy enough ... no leaks. I called the dealer to give them a heads-up that I'd be in first thing Tuesday, if possible; if the tire didn't make it South of Madison, there was a BMW dealer there I'd hit. I made the trip home without incident, albeit a little slower than usual; I've never run on RFT tires and didn't know what to expect. I made it to the dealer and got new tires ... yes tires, because apparently the left rear also took a hit and was also bubbled (but not torn). I actually ended up with four new tires because of some other issues. Fortunately, I'd bought the "Wheel & Tire Insurance" which has apparently paid for itself in one event.
Thanks for sharing! . . . of course, the "I Hate Run-Flats" brigade will soon storm your house with torches and pitchforks...
of which i am typically from, however, it is an amazing story. If I may play the Devil's Advocate though, had he only a spare instead of RFT's, the OP would have been screwed given that both sides were bubbled. Which brings questions on to itself. . . OP, glad to hear your awesome RFT story! thanks.
Just to be clear, it was the left side tires that had the bubble/tear; torn in the left front, bubbled on the left rear (on the inside aspect, so I didn't see it on a walk-around). It was described by the service writer as "whatever you nailed with the front got the rear too". I can't say I'm a fan of RFTs either, but this is my first exposure to them. I did notice that even with only ~9K miles on the old ones, the new ones are much quieter and the handling seems better.
I did not know RFT could bubble and tear like that. I thought they would just go flat. The RFTs I have now is my first experience with them