Hey Steven - never did get a chance to catch up to Elliott @ O'Fest, but, this is along the lines of what I'm talking about with contrast and readability. This is what a Roundel Weekly article looks like on my screen; the lack of text contrast with the background is nearly eyestrain-inducing. My html formatting/css/etc knowledge is pretty much non-existent, but fiddling around with firefox browser's developer tools and style editor, although not knowing exactly what does what, bumping up the font weight to double or more on what it was showing as 6 css rules got me to this - I unintentionally lost the bold on the activities, benefits, etc. titles, but I find this more readable by far... and then some - including the stuff above the article text & at the top of the page. If I ever figure css/etc. out, it looks like I can use the firefox browser to make it readable for me, but I can't imagine I'm the only one to find the current settings a bit of a struggle to read easily. What I've been doing with Roundel weekly articles is cutting & pasting the text into a word processor, and reading it from there. If I can figure out a style setting that works, looks like firefox allows me to save that for a page or site.
Steve, look at your signature. What do you see? Unreadable gray text on a white background. What's readable? Black. Even this text is not exactly black. But it's better than that @#$$! Designer Gray that we seem to have fallen in love with.