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MK Technic

Discussion in 'E36 (1992-1999)' started by Rob Breault, Dec 20, 2008.

    Rob Breault guest

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    Was the e36 328 available with an M Technic package? If so what did the package consist of, and how many were produced?

    Thanks in advance.,
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    steven s

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    Not that I recall.
    The only E36 that had the M-Technic trim, besides the M3 was the 318ti Sport (1996-1999).

    Rob Breault guest

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    The M-Technic package was available on e36 325's as well and on the 328 (in 98 and 99) from what I've found. It was available in Europe and Japan and may or may not have been available in the US. I've definitely found an example or two of the 328MT package but I don't know if they were "dealer installed" packages or optioned packages that were available in the US.

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    I know that there are some '94 325is M-Technic models, but they very few and far between.
    I have never seen an E36 328is M-Technic though. It seems they're getting lazy with making M-Technic models of newer cars...
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    steven s

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    My guess the trim was installed.

    Although I've never seen the 325is, I have seen pictures. As far as a 328, I don't think BMW NA ever sold them.

    E36M3MIKE guest

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    Yes there was an M TEC in 94 325 Alpine only i believe. A buddy of mine has one from factory original. They only made a few hundred that i know of.:D
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    I believe about 150 were produced for the USA.

    They were all 1994 325is and only came in Alpine White.
    The Option Code was 0231 M-DESIGN PACKAGE and consisted of the E36 M3 Body (Bumpers, Sideskirts) the interior with Motorsport Cloth with Suede and the Motorsport outside Door Handles. I am 90% sure it had a standard LSD as well.

    Have not seen one in quite a while, there was one for sale at a local dealership years ago, I should have bought it.

    RYAP20 guest

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    I agree with espcane's description of the 94 M tech (I have one). They also came with BBS 2 piece basketweave wheels (7.5x17) and mine has an LSD. It also has some unusual side striping in Motorsports colors (front to rear fenders) and on the front air dam too. At least that's what mine has.
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    The 99 328i was offered with an M-tech trim. As far as I know, this was not available for the 328 on any other years.

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