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Missing pad wear sensor

Discussion in 'E39 (1997-2003)' started by ggondek, Jul 31, 2010.

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    Recently my DSC, brake and ABS lights on my dash have been coming on. This is on a 2001 E39. When I put new rotors and pads on this week I was pleased to see that the sensor wire to the left rear wheel was missing. I thought that was the cause of the problem. When installing the new sensor wire I found I had nothing to plug it into; in other words it has been missing for quite a while. Does anyone know how I could drive this for 20K miles with no wire and no warning lights on the dash?


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    The rear sensor is (usually) on the right rear wheel. There are only two sensors - front right and right rear.

    You probably are going to have to have the codes read out to find the problem.
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    Missing wear pad senso


    Thanks for your info. I wish when I ordered the pads and rotors they had told me I only needed one wire.

    Now I need to find out what's causing the dash message. I've looked with my code reader but will look again.

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    Good. I notice that I said "front right". That should be "front left".

    Sometimes those connectors are hard to plug in. Also could be a bad wire - use a circuit tester to check continuitiy. Don't forget to check the brake fluid level.

    But my guess is it's a bad wheel-speed sensor.

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