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Map Display stuck in daytime mode/2010 335xi

Discussion in 'E90/E91/E92/E93 (2006-2011)' started by gsansone, Jan 11, 2010.

    gsansone guest

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    Wondering if anyone can help with one of the little bugs lurking in my 2010 335xi's iDrive system.

    On the navigation options for switching between daytime and nighttime screen modes on the map display, I suddenly can't get night mode to come back. It is stuck in daytime mode even though I have night mode selected in the options. I have tried different perspectives, etc. and nothing is fixing it. Didn't have this problem yesterday, it just started.

    Anyone know how to get this option to start working properly again???


    [2010 Alpine White 335xi with M-Sport Package, BMW Performance Power Kit]
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    Post Count: 34
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    Until my car was declared a lemon(Same as yours with the performance upgrade, only le mans blue) my car did what yours did and also on the radio function while locked in to a frequency ie:610 AM, the display would scroll to other stations. I took car in but the dealer said it was operating normally. Scott

    kgati guest

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    To display navigation in nighttime mode make sure you uncheck traffic mode (gray scale). The map needs to be in color in daytime mode.

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