I would like the groups opinion on a clutch. I have a 2000 BMW M Roadster. Car has 75K miles, engine has been rebuilt at 63K miles. Rear main seal and one of the transmission shifter seals were replaced about 5K miles ago, due to leaks. Trans has Redline Syn Trans Fluid in it. The clutch has begun, over the past 3K miles, to engage closer and closer to the floor. I have not experienced any slippage in any gear that I can detect. Is it time for a new clutch and Pressure Plate, or slave cylinder, or a simple clutch bleed down? Does anyone have experience in this area? Thanks, Tommy B.
Try the easy action first. I've found that a good brake/clutch fluid flush and bleed does wonders to improve shifting action. I haven't noticed if it made any difference in engagement point though.
May not be, however I have a 98 M roadster and with 50k on her the clutch pedal actually started engaging closer to the floor and when I had it checked the thing had broken, after all it is plastic. Just a thought.
Engaging closer to the floor can be an indicator of several things. Farthest away, it can be the mechanical parts of the pedal or pedal box. If those are good, the next thing to look at is the hydraulics. A leaky cylinder or air in the system can cause this. Finally (most remotely and, fortunately, least likely) is a breaking throwout arm or pivot. The Good News© is, your clutch is probably fine. Should be only half worn, or less.
SS Clutch Line Ended up replacing the Clutch Line this last weekend with a SS Line from Turner Motorsports. Used ATE Blue Racing Fluid and a PowerBleeder. Although difficult to get the line disconnected in the middle connection point, (took a "crows foot" w/ long extention on top, and a guy underneath with a brake line wrench to break it free. The clutch feels 100% better. Lets out at about 3/4 travel and feels consistent from vehicle being cold to hot. Recommend this to all that have an M Roadster with a low clutch pedal engagement. Tommy