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Long Term Annual Maintenance Cost

Discussion in 'E90/E92/E93 M3 (2008-2013)' started by mslusher123, Aug 27, 2008.

    mslusher123 guest

    Post Count: 2
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    I like to keep my cars for at least 8 years and 150,000 plus miles. I drive my car every day because I enjoy driving and that is what the car is for.
    For those of you with experience with previous model M3's with high mileage, what do you think I should I budget for annual maintenance and repairs after the warranty expires on a new 2008 M3 sedan?


    BMWguy206 guest

    Post Count: 43
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    It's really hard to say what the prices will be 8yrs from now. For parts like brakes they fluctuate a lot!

    I just priced out front pads, pad sensor, rotors and labor and came out to be almost $1000.00. The labor is based off of Independent Shop rate.

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