Doesn't sound like loose splices. If the splices came loose, the lights wouldn't go on whatsoever. Sounds like it's not playing nicely with the LKM that was put in...
Is there anywhere i can pet it and it will feel better? lol the e39 has a electronic TB so petting it under there wont help like the e30
If the LKM was programmed for halogens would it have this effect? i know they had a problem where their computer said my car had no options and no xenons. So im wondering if they let the guy flashing my LKM know my xenons are factory and should be flashed in the program like factory. Remember at first they claimed im not supposed to have xenons and they would not alter the lkm coding for non factory items. I had to dig up the build sheet under the back seat to prove it to the parts and service dept.
I'm gonna pull a Mike Miller here and say that you should speak to the service manager. Demand a loaner car or say that you will complain to BMW NA and give them a "1" score when they will call you up for customer satisfaction. Keep in mind that giving a low score will damage the relationship you have with this dealer and that you shouldn't go back to them ever again. Sometimes it makes sense to go outta the way to a dealer to get a loaner. You will save $$$ on a rental but you live and learn. Keep us updated on this issue.
I wouldn't at all be surprised if they flashed it for halogens. If their system had even a hint of not showing xenons as an option, I'd be worried.
In your original post you stated, "the service dept at BMW OF BAYSIDE is horrible," yet you took the car there (I assume) because it is convenient to you. I know not every member is "lucky" enough to have a choice of local dealerships, but while ultimately this IS BMW's problem, it seems to be a Bayside problem. While you're stuck with them with this current problem, in the future vote with your feet, and spend your maintenance dollars elsewhere. The BMW CCA ombudsmen might be able to "smooth things out" for you, but keep your wits and don't behave childishly, especially if they still have your car.
Yes correct, I stuck with them cause the Service foreman promised to help me out and make sure the car is done in one day since Im disabled and its harder for me to get back and forth to the next closest dealer. Should i get BMW CCA involved now or wait and see what happens?
They claim water from a leaky sunroof seal got down to the LCM. They wanted another $300 bux to change the seal so i did that myself. Today i opened the sunroof and poured water down the sunroof drain and the pipe was clear!! THERE IS NO WAY the water got to the LCM from the sunroof. In the end i spent $1100 and no real answer from the dealer as to why this happened. Im thinking of getting a BMWCCA Ombudsmen involved but im worried the cars gonna burn down before they ever get to me.
I noticed some of my lights are not working And my instrument lights are flickering. Drivers side high beam, daytime running lights, fog light are not functioning. Have been driving in really bad rain over the past few days. I wonder if I have the same problem???? What is the LCM and where is it located? Thanks - Ron