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Isetta Barn Find...Help?!

Discussion in 'Isetta (1955-1962)' started by tjwoodson1, Nov 3, 2010.

    tjwoodson1 guest

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    I have located an Isetta in a barn near my house. Is getting into a BMW like this a headache? I'm a MINI guy myself, and don't know much about the Isettas. Any information is appreciated...
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    I think there's a few long-time club members around here who might have some specific insight for you, try sending a pm to Phil Marx here: http://bmwcca.org/forum/member.php?u=736

    or the contact listed here under the 'Micro & minicar club' -


    For any old car restoration, "headache" is probably a relative term - more likely, it's just how much of a headache is it. I would think, the more complete, the better. I would tend to guess it wouldn't take much to spend waaaaay more than the car is worth, but that's just a guess. Hopefully you can find something out from someone who has experience with them.
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    ROUNDEL columnist Jenny Morgan has worked on a couple of Isetta restorations. She'll be ruthlessly straight with you about the possibilities of rescue.
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    I have a good friend that is smack-dab in the middle of an Isetta restoration right now. Let me see if I can get you two in touch with each other, I think he can answer just about any question you'll have. He's been living and breathing 'Isetta' for the last couple of years and can tell you exactly how and where to source parts for it.

    Here's a shot of the restored chassis at our last concours.

    wjyiv48 guest

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    Isetta barn find

    The premier Isetta store is run by Werner Schwark near Atlanta. Lots of parts and full restorations. www.isettas@bellsouth.net

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