All: I am in search of a lower mileage 1996 318i (sedan). It must have a manual transmission and the M44 motor.
Let me make your shopping trip a little easier Any E36 318 or 1.9L Z3, model year 1996 and later, will have the M44 4-cylinder. The rest is up to you. There is also a WTB forum in the Roundel online classified section (click on the Members Community menu, select Classifieds, then go down to Cars Wanted by your respective model. You can post this message there and possibly, an interested seller with your particular vehicle may contact you.
Wtb 96 Wondering why not a 97-99. The later models will have a pin connector at the wiring for air intake. Big advantage if you ever do a head gasket. Mike
Just a quick reply to the posts here. For the first few months of the 1996 MY the M42 motor was used. In 1997 the cars had ASC instead of a limited slip differential. And while there is indeed a classified section, E36 318i and 318is cars are non-existent.
I have no clue why I was thinking you wanted a ti. Carry on. Bimmerforums may be helpful, and maybe r3vlimited.
Would you be willing to travel for one? I could look locally for you if you wish... Is the purpose going to be a parts car or a fully running one? Do you care about minor rust? You live in the Northeast; you should know it's hard to find a car that old here without rust. lol