Does anyone have the idle control module pinout on an E30 325e? I was trying to pry it loose off the old one (replacing the unit) and the bracket came right off, so now I have a bunch of free dangling wires. Does anyone know??? Pleeeeease? Or would anyone be able to open up their ETA glove box and look at the green module behind the ECU (to the left of it) and tell me what colored wires go to what number pins (numbered on the plastic piece)? I'm hoping Paul comes to the rescue or someone who's willing to open up their eta. Right now the glovebox is disassembled and I'm hesitant to use the car until then.
FOR REFERENCE, because I KNOW some people will look for this one day. I have included a bunch of keywords so people Googling could have an easier time finding this. Pinout for an E30 BMW 325e Idle Control Unit / Idle Control Module In this case, a solid green box located behind and to the left of the ECU in the glovebox (bolted in). This applies to models with separate Idle Control circuitry not integrated into the ECU, such as the mid 80's 325e's. I know most 325i's don't have this and neither do early 325e's. You should have 11 wires, 12 pins. Pin 1 blue/red 2 green/yellow 3 green 4 brown 5 blue/black 6 white 7 green/black (auto tranny), green/yellow (manual tranny) 8 not connected 9 blue/white 10 blue/green 11 brown/red 12 brown/blue Note: It doesn't matter if you plug in the green/yellow connector (manual tranny) into 7 or 2; it's the same thing. This solved ALL of my idle problems. If you are to search online for idle problems in an E30, you'll get suggestions ranging from fixing vauum leaks to cleaning/replacing the Idle Control Valve (goes in the engine bay), but not once have I seen a suggestion for replacing an Idle Control Module (ICM) until I heard it from our local BMW greasemonkey (mooseheadm5 )! This will mainly benefit those of you who are slightly clumsy when removing connectors. The black plastic connector piece that these wires went into snapped off and left the wires individually dangling, so I didn't know how to reconnect them on the ICM. These pinouts are the correct pinouts as tested tonight. Pinouts posted with permission from mooseheadm5. I didn't know if it was legit to post information from his "source" so I thought I'd get that out of the way.
One thing to add - all 325e/528e have this setup EXCEPT the super Eta 1988 models, which have 325i style Motronic (US models.) Even the 1987 325i did not have the green box though the 1987 325e did. All 318i M10 have it. IIRC, Motronic 533/633/733 have this thing as well. Pinouts seem pretty close, but don't count on it.