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Hydraulic Belt Tensioner

Discussion in 'E46 (1999-2006)' started by 80691, Mar 31, 2008.

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    Can some one tell me how to remove the pressure from the hydraulic tensioner on an E46 to replace the drive belt?
    I have over 25 years experience as a shade tree mechanic, but I haven't tackled one of these yet.
    Thanks for the help!
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    The BMW TIS says that you remove the dust cap from the tensioner pulley and use a socket/wrench on the bolt to push down on the hydraulic tensioner just enough to release the belt. Installation is the reverse.

    If I recall correctly, this is the procedure I followed when doing my E36 and it worked out well.

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    Thanks for the direction. I thought that was the answer, but wanted another opinion. The Bently Manual falls short on the subject. They only show how to do the mechanical one.

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    No problem, hope it works out for you.


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