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Houston - Wash, Wax & Tech (Nov. 8)

Discussion in 'Concours & Show/Shine' started by gokartmozart, Nov 1, 2009.

    gokartmozart guest

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    Back by popular demand, time for our 9th Wash, Wax & Tech at BMW-North. Come join fellow Bimmer owners in shinning up their cars. It is also a great opportunity to catch a few tech tips from BMW certified technicians. It's not uncommon to have over 100 cars at a WWT, so be sure to RSVP! Bring your dirty Bimmer to BMW-North on Sunday, November 8th, wash it yourself in one of our 20 wash stations or have one of their porters run it through their car wash, then pull into the service bay for drying and waxing. Then, throughout the day we'll have different people giving tech talks on our cars.

    New to the club? You're probably thinking, ‘Well, I'm going to go but I'll just park in a corner. I could get embarrassed by these car people. They might find out that I don't know a torque wrench from a tow bar!' What will actually happen is you will find that nobody cares what you know about cars and by the time you leave; you will be trading email address with your new best friends.

    What to bring:

    Wash & wax supplies
    Wash rags, sponges, etc
    Other car wash materials
    Towels for drying (lots)
    List of tech questions
    Power buffer (if you have one)
    Extension cord
    Dirty car (required)

    What not to Bring:

    Hoses (furnished)
    Buckets (furnished)
    Lunch (furnished)
    Coffee & donuts (furnished)
    Bad attitude

    Dress Code will be strictly enforced. It's jeans and tee shirts. In fact, there is talk of a tee shirt contest. Oldest car tee shirt, Tee shirt that came the furthest, Brightest tee shirt, etc. Check back for details from the tee shirt sub-committee.

    Here what BMW-North will have for us:

    Lunch - yes, lunch in their conference room
    Shop foremen and techs will cruz around to answer your questions
    Parts department will be open for business
    Engine fluids so you can top off
    The showroom will be open to see the new Bimmers
    The Parts Depart Annual Garage Sale (killer bargains)
    In a word, the whole place!

    A few quick facts:

    Date Sunday, November 8th
    Get there between 8:00 and 10:00 AM
    Where BMW-North

    ¼ mile north of FM1960 on I-45
    Enter from the side street, Highland Cross
    The front will be closed, this is just for us!
    Depart 4:00 PM sharp

    If you can help out for an hour or two, please let me know when you RSVP.

    RSVP to WarCamp@swbell.net This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or Click Here so we can save you a spot.

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