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Discussion in 'Rallying' started by mrsbee, Jun 25, 2013.

    mrsbee guest

    Post Count: 511
    Likes Received:48

    So, I'm planning a "fun" rally for our chapter which will include a multitude of, ahem, exotic locations.

    Does anybody have tips, or words of wisdom that will help me work this out? If it goes smooth, I'd like to have a quarterly rally.

    (sidenote - I used to "hash" which was pretty much a rally on legs. You'd run, follow clues and drink beer. Of course, I cannot have beer on my car rally - but back in the day I was told I put together some of the best hashes)
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,505
    Likes Received:122
    Define fun. :)

    I've done a few fun rallies in my time.

    Be careful if people need to get out of cars to read clues.
    You could easily have several cars blocking a road.

    Be sure there are bathroom breaks.
    Be careful with questions where you have to count things.

    Check it and check it again.
    xxtxchrisxx likes this.

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