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Discussion in 'Warranty questions' started by Helman, Dec 13, 2010.

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    Hello everyone, I am having a problem with my 323ci. The heat comes out of the vents warm only when the car is in motion. For example when I come to a complete stop and or slow down I get cold air. Whats going on ?
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    More specifics about the year of your car &/or month manufactured is helpful when it comes to armchair diagnosis. Best I can guess is you have a '99-'00 E46 convertible. I'd guess primary possibilities are a water valve problem (part #2 http://www.realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do?model=BR33&mospid=47705&btnr=64_0890&hg=64&fg=18), or possibly thermostat related. I wouldn't suspect a blower issue offhand. That's assuming you have coolant. When the engine's cold, check your coolant level. Check your fuses, just in case.
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    My guess would be thermostat. A usual cause of no-heat is because the car isn't warming up like it should. How is your coolant temperature gauge when this is happening? What does it show?
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    Don't forget to check the outside fresh air diverter (for lack of a better word). Which vents are you referring to? If you are talking about the vents at chest level, there is a diverter in the center cluster. Make sure it is all the way to the warm/red position. If it is in the blue/cold position you are going to get cold air from outside no matter what the HVAC is set at.
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    Yeah, I have a 2000 323ci coupe.

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