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Hard Top Adjustment

Discussion in 'E30 (1984-1993)' started by Bark, May 6, 2008.

    Bark guest

    Post Count: 18
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    My cabrio came with a hard top. In about 3.5 years of owning it, I had only put it on once until this last weekend. I can't figure out how to get the pins in the back properly adjusted.

    I have the special wrench that is like a hooked crescent at the end, for the widest component of the pin assembly. However, that part doesn't want to move much at all (on either pin). There's a lock-washer type part beneath it that seems pretty well locked up.

    Also, up above that part of the pin assembly are what appears to be two independent bolts stacked on top of eachother. How are those related to the adjustment procedure?

    Currently, the hard top is on the car with the pins in the sockets and the front latched down normally. I can drive around with it like that, but I want to be able to have it fully seated in the rear sockets, and know that it's correctly mounted.

    Thanks for any help.

    David W Hall guest

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    Hardtop pins

    I have never had to adjusted my top. What I do know is...The two stacked bolts you mentioned are the ones for locking the top down. The top secures with a cam type lock. Once you have the top in place put a wrench on the top nut only. This should turn between a 1/2 and 3/4 turn and the top should snug down as you do it. I can't remember, here at work, if it is push towards the back or pull towards the front, to tighten, but it will be the same for both sides. The lefty loosy righty tighty thing does not apply. You will either push both sides to the back or pull to the front. Top will seem to sit high until you snug it down. Remember only turn the top nut. I have a '88 325ic with a hard top and a 325is. Hope this helps.

    toplessmtech guest

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    hard top adjust

    put top on car with windows down .latch front down .make sure pins are in rear holes turn pins by turning very top of pin with 13 mm wrench that should lock top to car take large wrench you have loosen big star shaped nut to get free. i then doing one side at time tighten back down large star shaped nuts while keeping pressure on top over that pin alternate both side should compress gasket on bottom of hardtop
    put windows up. make sure they line up with rubbers when i take my top off i leave pins in car and loosen big nut first then with top off car i remove pins and place in truck
    i just found that easier and do not have to worry about stratching car with pins sticking out of hardtop good luck let me know any more questions
    nice car could be twin to mine tough i have 16"alpina wheels on right now

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