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Griot's Heavy Duty Wheel Cleaner

Discussion in 'Detailing' started by GSMetal, Jun 12, 2011.

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    Just got this stuff and I'm pretty happy with the way this cleaner takes off the brake dust.

    Works better than the Sonex Wheel Cleaner without the heavy chemical smell. Spray on and it changes color when it ready to be hosed off. I didn't need to scrub, just turn the hose on it.

    I would recommend this product.
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

    Post Count: 2,188
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    Thanks for the recommendation!

    I might try it---but around these parts, there ain't no "hosing it off."

    The last time I let somebody use a special wheel cleaner "to get off the brake duest" it took about half the clear coat off my red Dinan wheels---not on the red part, but the polished rims. @#$%! Now the wheels look like a discount hooker between nail appointments.

    I just cleaned four M3 ten-spokes after a day at Fontana. EEEEEeeeew! My latest technique (thanks to Party B):

    • Lay the wheel down on hazmat oil-sorb pads, outside down

    • Wipe out the wheel using a GoJo fast wipe (cheapest source here). Use both sides. Throw it away.

    • Now clean the wheel with Mary Moppins car detailer stuff (spray on, wipe dry), flip it over, and clean the "good" side with Mary Moppins (or your choice of products; this will use up a lot of Griot's Instant Detailer). Use a chopstick to get the rag into holes and crevices.

    • On the way to the tire stack, wipe down the back side of the wheel again, because some of whatever you used to clean the good side will have run through; that's why we put down the hazmat first.

    • Use Wheel Wax (cheapest price here---and no, I don't believe it "changes the surface polarity" of my wheels, it just gives a surface that's harder for stuff to cling to) if you want to minimize the effort to clean the damn things next time.

    And finally: Never, EVER allow somebody to sell you a set of BMW basketweave wheels.
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    Aw c'mon Satch, where were you when the rest of us were learning that with BMW's BBS basketweaves in the 70's & (speakin' fer mahself here) early 80's?! :p ;)

    So I'm guessing you'll take a pass on that brake caliper/wheel ionization kit to make the wheels and brake dust repel each other? :p
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    Post Count: 18
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    I have been using the Griots wheel cleaner for years, it is good stuff. Most of the time though I just use the same car wash I use on the paint (after the paint of course). Only resort to the wheel cleaner on really trashed wheels.

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