I have seen in some of your photos the BWCCA grille badge on the front of your cars. Is there any risk of damage in putting this on the front grille? Is there any paint or coating it risks scratching or discoloring? Just curious.
Nope. If your grille is black from the factory, it will stay black. And all BMW grilles are black, so I hope that answers your question. I have taken it off at one point (it's been on for over a year at the time) and haven't seen any damage to the grille whatsoever. Maybe a little bit of dirt that accommodates the badge but nothing a little elbow grease and a wet rag won't fix.
Thanks, I've been thinking about getting one, or two for both of my cars. Maybe a little thin stick on black felt or rubber washers at the grill contact points?
Would I be able to put the badge on regular kidney grills? If so, where can I get this badge? What's up AZ, see you at a future CT meet
It would look nice centered in the mesh area under your license plate. That's what I'm thinking about doing.
I second this question. Is it a bad idea to put it on the kidney grille. It does have a silver coating.
I can't imagine it doing any damage, to be honest. If you're that worried, stick a thin piece of rubber between the badge and the grille.
I was thinking sticking the felt to the backside of the cca emblem with the softfelt facing the grill...
I received my grille badge in the mail and got it mounted. Sorry the pic is not the best it was raining today.
Mounting the grille badge I say break the little posts off and GLUE IT TO THE HOOD! . . . somebody STOP me. . .
Finally I finally ordered a grill badge, as my window sticker was going all wonky colors. Here it is, enjoy!
I put one onto the grille of my Z4 and honestly the hardest part was getting up the courage to remove the grille. It came out quickly and easily and went back in the same way. I would suggest some locktite on the threads to prevent it from coming loose.
Where to put BMWCCA grill badge? 528iAT 2000, in the kidney grill on the driver side or passenger side upper or lower inner or outer corner of the grill??
I think it looks better centered in the grill, I don't have much preference for drivers or passenger side though