Hello there and welcome to the BMW Car Club of America.

If you are a BMW CCA member, please log in and introduce yourself in our Member Introductions section.


Discussion in 'Pacific Region' started by johnsongt, Jan 27, 2015.

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    Post Count: 1
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    Hello. Gregory Johnson in San Francisco here. I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a proud new owner of a CPO 2011 335xi and new member of CCA. Hope to meet you soon!
    Ken.S.330 likes this.
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    Welcome to the club & forums!

    Your chapter's website is here: http://ggcbmwcca.org/

    You can download the latest chapter newsletter there -

    GGC on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ggcbmwcca/

    The club's national magazine should start arriving within a couple of months, depends on whether when you joined hits before or after the most recent cutoff date for the magazine mailing list. In the meantime, click "Roundel" above & "View Roundel Online" to see recent editions. I believe by default, club newsletters are set to be sent out as .pdf's via email - if you would like a printed version, you should be able to find and change that option under "Manage Account" options, at the top of the page.
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    Post Count: 2,416
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    Welcome to the club and forums!

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