Anyone have any experience with them? I have Geico right now and in the beginning they were really expensive but my old transgressions (tickets) have long since gone away and I make more money lol.. They've been really good to me. Crashed my motorcycle and dealing with them was so easy.. Anyway, I got this letter in the mail from bmwcca about Liberty Mutual insurance and I just did a couple quick searches to see what people thought and I came across some scary comments. Anyone here with actual experience? Thanks. -Leon
Liberty Mutual We use them for our Bimmers and have found they are the lowest cost option. The only drawback is they do not offer any historic vehicle insurance for our 1983, so we had to go with a specialized company. I have not had to file a claim with them, so I can not give you any guidance with that.
Been there done that I had them way back when they first started offering it...dont know if they still call if the BMW Performance Insurance....anyway....they were originally better than my previous carrier(Allstate)...but when renewal came due I found a much better deal when I bundled my insurances(home & auto) w/another carrier. I never had a claim while I was with them so I cannot speak to the customer service aspect.
I saw this post and went on line to get a quote from them. The results were that they wanted over $350 more per year for the same coverage. Needless to say, I am staying where I am. I did notice that I have $500 collision and they changed it to $1000 for their quote.
I too had them when they first offered CCA discounts, upon renewal years later and compared with USAA they were $400.00 per year more. Needless to say I dropped them, no negatives other than that, never had a claim either.
Just switched I just switched from Allstate, and at the outset, I will save over 40%. As with all insurance, it is a product I hope I never actually need to use. We will see, but I'm thrilled with the found savings to start!
I have been with Liberty Mutual for a while now and they are still less expensive than any other quote I have received. I would suggest you call and speak to them as opposed to doing the online quote as mine comes back at 138.00 per month and I'm only paying 72.00. I did file a claim after having my car for only 4 months and got hit by a driver that was on their cell phone while I was away on vacation. I called them while waiting for the police and they were amazing. I was seriously flipping out. I was able to return home by driving the car and they made an appointment for me and took care of everything. I had my car back fully repaired in 3 days. I won't switch based on my experience with them.
This topic has been on my mind a bunch lately. Here's why. I had a wonderful deal lined up to trade in my 2008 BMW 328i Coupe in on a 2009 Porsche Cayman. Problem was when I called my insurance company(Allstate), my rate quote was through the roof. However I found a company through PCA's(Porsche Club of America) website called Leland West who quoted me $601 PER YEAR w/ unlimited mileage and $0 deductables for the Cayman. And all I had to have was a enclosed garage for the Porsche and another vehicle as a daily driver. Which I have both. Problem solved right. WRONG! The deal fell through on the Cayman but I was not bummed because I found significant auto insurance savings for my BMW. Since I only drive about 5k miles per year and all the other criteria are met for this new insurance company. WRONG AGAIN! Leland West tells me after I get an online quote for my EXACT vehicle that my BMW is not a "specialty/rare" vehicle and they cannot write a policy for it. The quote I received was $1000.00 CHEAPER PER YEAR than Allstate. I don't have a problem with my BMW not being considered special or rare, even though the representative could not explain why my online application was not rejected. What I do have a problem with is why am I having to pay higher rates than a Porsche driver and I am treating my car and behaving in the same manner as he/she is? Same driving habits, garage and another primary vehicle/daily driver. Where's my HEAVILY DISCOUNTED AUTO INSURANCE? It sure AIN'T LIBERTY MUTUAL! Yeah I called them too, they were HIGHER than Allstate. I am sure that I'm one of MANY BMWCCA members with the same issue/question. I'm not happy. BMWCCA do something about this! Please.
My credit union has a co-marketing deal with Liberty; I checked their rates a couple years ago with them. Bottom line is that they were *NOT* cheaper than Farmers Ins. To even get close, I would have had to switch all my cars, *AND* both my houses to them. Kicker was that they would not, under any circumstances, cover our cabin (log, old-style) with in any way shape or form (not even liability), and the insurance on our 2nd (vacation) home was significantly higher (differences in area/fire district/etc.) Nor do they offer blanket liability coverage. Yeah, the cars might have been a tiny bit cheaper (after a lot of fiddling with deductibles), but it wasn't worth it. Nor does Liberty offer a windshield coverage option - we would have had to drop the comprehensive deductible to $100 and pay more.
I would say buying insurance is like buying tires.... Everyone can have the very same company and coverage, yet drastically different rates and experiences. Over the years, I've tried a few, and for a long time, I would do the rate comparasons when a flyer came in the mail "guaranteeing" cheaper rates. State Farm has ALWAYS been cheaper for the same coverage...100% of the time. For me, in my particular situation, I found State Farm to give the best rates AND best coverage. I have a great agent, which no-doubt makes a big difference. To date, I have never had a single issue with them in claims (luck holding, none have been my fault). I'm sure others have had nightmare experiences with the very same company. Just like tires....
I agree with you on State Farm, I have used them since I was 16 and they have been great! No hassles over speeding tickets and only one chargeable accident that cost me an extra $70 a year for about two or three years. Was my fault, but the other guy was speeding and it couldn't be proven. What can you do.
BMW CCA doing something...;-) @PhillyNate, After reading your post I called our contact at Liberty Mutual and asked for someone to review your application and let me know why you received a non-competitive quote. Privacy laws do not permit them to give me any personal information, but my understanding is that you requested a quote on the Cayman only. Like all insurance companies Liberty Mutual builds volume discounts into their quotes and you would have likely gotten a better offer if you had included the 328. If you were willing to add your home; probably an even better rate. Besides price it is always good to compare coverage provided by the policy. As relates to BMW Liberty Mutual guarantees the use of Original BMW parts in the repair of your car. If it is a total loss they will pay replacement cost for your car, one model year newer. The guarantee to use only BMW parts, rather than knock offs from East Wherever Land is worth a lot, unfortunately its hard to show that value until you have an accident. Leland West is a very fine company and has been in the "specialty car" insurance market for a long time. It is only recently that they have moved into the broader market. Their niche is insuring cars that are only driven on weekends and for special events. Thats why they wanted you to guarantee that you had a daily driver and would only drive the Cayman less than 5000 miles per year. Liberty Mutual on the other hand gave you a quote for driving the car every day. When Leland West changed their quote they weren't treating you differently than a Porsche driver, but rather they don't consider the Cayman to be any more special than your 328. It is unfortunate that they have not updated their materials to reflect the exclusion. This is a great example of why it is important to actually speak with an agent. We each have our needs and wants when buying a policy and that makes it hard to compare apples to apples. Ultimately you must make the choice that is right for you. When we partnered with Liberty Mutual it wasn't with the intent that it be the lowest priced coverage available, rather that it provide top protection for our members and their families. A bonus for the club is that Liberty Mutual, through their relationship with BMW, understands our members and has shown that by supporting club events that we all enjoy. Short of organizing a takeover of the Insurance Commissioner offices in all 50 states, I am afraid I have exhausted my toolbox of things to do. ;-) If you decide to give Liberty Mutual another chance and allow them to quote on a "bundle" please let me know the result. Frank
Frank, first and foremost THANK YOU FOR GETTING BACK TO ME. I don't ever remember requesting a quote from Liberty Mutual for the Cayman. Why would I when I already had a fabulous quote on that car from Leland West. When that deal fell apart It was only then Leland West refused to write a policy for my BMW that I called Liberty Mutual. Liberty Mutual's quote for my BMW was atrocious. Even after I explained how I used my vehicle (sparingly/weekend use) it was still worse than my current insurance with Allstate. Incidently the quote from Leland West on the Cayman was for UNLIMITED mileage. I would personally rather have a true "low mileage plan" like LW's than genuine BMW parts. If you get in an accident the car is gonna be worth less anyway whether genuine BMW parts are used or not and regardless of who reassembles it. Give me the CHOICE of a true "low mileage plan". That's REAL VALUE. I'll deal with an accident when and IF it happens. Knock wood.
Liberty Mutual Quote PhillyNate, My mistake I just assumed the quote was for the Cayman...and we know what happens when we assume. ;-) Frank
yeah I too bundle home, auto, added rider for other goods. Accident free, and multi-line discounts. hard to beat SF.
IMHO, Liberty Mutual should be offering TRULY competitive rates for BMW enthusiasts as other companies do for Porsche, Chevy Corvette, Ford Mustang and Jaguar. Come on guys, say it with me a TRUE LOW MILEAGE WEEKEND CAR PLAN.
second that! +1 all I get from SF is the vehicle driven less than 7500 miles per year; for fun, recreation or something like that...
Then we all need to lobby/rally and let whomever know that this is what we want and deserve as BMWCCA members.
+1 another vote AWAY from Liberty Mutual. They were hopeless noncompetitive for me in both NY and NJ (recently moved, tried to give them business both times - not even close). In NYC (BMW parked off the street, recreational vehicle), Liberty Mutual was 25% more expensive than Travelers. In NJ (BMW parked in enclosed garage), Liberty Mutual was about 30% more expensive then NJ Manufacturers on auto, about 2x on house part of the bundled policy. I trust BMW CCA gets something worthwhile back from its association with Liberty Mutual in the form of "supporting club events" YMMV, alex f
It's been almost a year since I posted in this thread and sadly little has changed on the insurance front. I did purchase a 2011 M3 coupe in June of last year and never even approached Liberty Mutual for a rate. It would've been a complete waste of time. I also couldn't insure the car with my regular carrier (Allstate) as they were not very competetive either. Allstate has my other vehicles and tried to be competitive but it just wasn't to be. I ended up insuring with a pleasure/weekend/exotic car insurance company and am happy. The coverage is great with VERY few restrictions and I'm saving a ton of money. I'm only suffering in the customer service area, which sucks @ss. I'll live with that. LM still needs to step up though. WE'RE ALL WAITING.