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Frustrated also -

Discussion in 'Membership Rewards Rebate' started by bluebird1, Dec 22, 2019.

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    My take is this is a huge black eye on BWM, I have the same experience no answer to "where is my $$ “?

    This is a sad situation where you are tricked to join a club for 2 years with dues that are not trivial to a club that is basically an advertising agency for BWM and then nobody cares if the promise made is kept!

    The CCA is a minnow being used a Major Corporation that is either so big it has no clue; some middle manager is laughing at us all or they running a scam with Corporate knowledge.

    The total $$ owed to BMW owners I suspect is well north of 7 figurers. What a potential "Good Will" disaster for BMW while they spend millions on advertising to lure customers to "Buy In" on the products.

    Starting to think I should have kept my R1200RT & 1966 Datsun Roadster or purchased a 2006 Cayman S and passed on the M235i. A shame as it is such a great ride.

    Will be calling their legal dispute office in Bergen County, New Jersey after the Holidays and start to become a consistent pain in their butts.

    My experience with the CCA in Greensboro at the 50th Anniversary and subsequent calls there is they are doing their part but communications from them is falling on deaf ears at New Jersey BMW corporate.

    We shoud all start calling corporate and consider other German made autos.

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