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Front seats for 90' 325i coupe

Discussion in 'E30 (1984-1993)' started by bobbalfany, Apr 12, 2009.

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    The front seats in my 90' 325i coupe both have the same problem: the backrest of each one is loose on the side nearest the parking brake. So in essence, sitting in the driver's seat, your body is facing slightly right, and the passenger will be looking slightly to the left. So it makes for a very awkward drive after two hours.

    Is this a common fault on these seats? We've taken them out and tinkered with them a little bit, but to no avail. Is there a way to fix it?
    If I decide to scrap both seats in order to upgrade to better seats (i.e. Recaro or M3), what's my best bet?

    -Bob Balfany

    P.S. These seats are unheated and entirely manual.
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    Did you pull the backs off the seats? There's probably a loose bolt in there to be tightened.

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