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front end suspension noise

Discussion in 'E30 (1984-1993)' started by steven s, Mar 7, 2012.

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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,509
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    1991 325i convertible
    14x,000? miles.
    H&R Sports and Bilsteins installed maybe 2 years ago.

    I'm hearing a clunking noise from the front. Maybe left side.
    Almost sounds like a bad shock. Can also feel it slightly in my steering wheel.

    Also noticed it was worse when my right front tire had 5 pounds less air pressure than my left.
    Now that both tires are at 38, it's not as loud, but the noise is there.
    It sits in my garage until I can bring it in to my indie.

    I'm going to jack it up over the weekend and tug on suspension parts to see if anything is loose.
    I'll take a closer look at the LCA bushings which are probably original.

    Come to think about it, when I first bought the car (5 years ago) I had this issue and the tie rod was replaced which fixed it.

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