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First-timer questions

Discussion in 'Oktoberfest 2009' started by MadForRoad, Sep 9, 2009.

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    TSD Rally
    Is it possible to have my 3 and 5 year old in the car along with my wife for the TSD ? ( I understand that it is wait listed ) but I won't be able to participate otherwise..I accept it is probably not advisable!!!

    After TSD Rally is there time left to participate in the Gymkhana and factory tour ?

    What is the cost to participate in all of these events on Wed 30th, for a member, spouse and 2 children under 6 ?

    Is attendance at the TSD Rally briefing mandatory .. I ask knowng I would wqnt to be there but knowing it may be a issue with work commitments.. I would be participating in the TSD rally for the enjoyment of the experience with my family and everyone else not expecting or wanting anything more.

    Thanks in advance .. I eagerly look forward to being able to attend my first Octoerfest.
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    steven s

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    See answers below.

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    I am a veteran of the full week of eight Oktoberfests and many TSD rallies and, over the years, I have participated in every O'Fest event except a concours (My cars are always ratty and I don't care.) and the club race. If you are attending your first O'Fest and only for one day, I would blow off the rally if I were you. It will only make the kids crabby and ruin the rest of your day (if not your entire marriage :D). Spend the time seeing the rally begin. You can talk to some of the competitors who are in line to start. Then do the factory tour and the gymkhana. If you have time left, drive out to the track, cruise the vendor area or schmooze some, and call it a day. Next year, plan on the whole week. ;)

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