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EzCarlift on sale...FYI

Discussion in 'DIY (Do-It-Yourself)' started by 327350, Apr 5, 2009.

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    Post Count: 75
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    I have had an ezCarlift for 3 years now and it is great! Currently, the lift is featured at www.gotogroupbuy.com and there will be a nice price reduction if enough people commit to buying one. Can't hurt to check it out!!!
    Also, www.ezcarlift.com is where you can see the lift in action!

    Cheers and thanks! #327350

    mac townsend guest

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    I'd like to see one of these in action. Are you in N. Calif by any chance?
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    The problem with one of those is that if you're one of those people who only uses it at home, then spend a little bit more to get a 2-post lift. Lifts the car much higher and isn't all that much more expensive...

    1996 328ti guest

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    If I had clearance I would love a 2 post lift. I think that is what makes this a good alternative.
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    I just realized that this would make a cool track toy... makes swapping wheels/pads a cinch!

    Really expensive though for what it is. I would be interested if it was half the price.

    deltaguy guest

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    I am going to purchase one as long as I can get the drive over option. This thing is amazing.
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,509
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    I saw the EZ lift at Bimmerfest this past weekend.
    Bought myself a early wedding anniversary present. :)
    I was watching the group buy and on impulse I put down a $50 deposit.
    I'm going to buy one of these things.

    It will suit my needs just fine.
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    John in VA

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    You can read about Rod Paine's great experience with the EZcarlift HERE.

    missmelyssa guest

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    Yup, we were there too. My hubby keeps talking about it.
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,509
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    I decided not to get it now. There seems to have been a problem with paypal when I sent my $50 in. A few things came up. I'll probably buy it in the near future.
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    Post Count: 75
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    I thought about the two post lift myself..

    but I just didn't want to mount that thing to the floor in my garage. Once installed, you've changed the usability of the garage pretty much permanently. And what if I have to move?

    Naw, I just got the ez car lift and use it for nearly every car repair! Ah, but to each his own. I just recently had to swap out my powerflex LCA bushing and the ezcarlift helped me make short work of that job...great tool!

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