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error codes on OBC with Umnitza LEDs

Discussion in 'E36 (1992-1999)' started by tjrinaldi, Nov 15, 2011.

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    Hi guys- '98 323is (so, OBD II), just installed Umnitza's LED license plate lights for the rear. I am now getting a 'replace plate blub' message in the OBC. However, both LEDs are operational. Does anyone have a fix for this? The reason I am looking for one is that, interestingly enough, my '95 //M3 (OBD I) has the same upgrade and DOES NOT display the error code.
    Help! Thanks.
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    Only guess I can venture is the car/brain/obc is looking for a certain voltage and even though you have a completed circuit and the led's work, the car/brain/whatever isn't seeing it that way. If it's a common problem, Umnitza or whomever you got them from might have a suggestion/fix.

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