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Electrical problem 2003 Z4 3.0 40,000mi

Discussion in 'E85 Z4 (2002-2008)' started by almond, Sep 12, 2010.

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    almond guest

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    Car parked outside overnight during heavy rain and lightning. Next morning-turn signals not working, drivers window down pressed and window lowered partially then raised on its own. passenger window would not lower using driver or passenger switch, radio worked then went off and on, seat belt light on and off repeatedly, washer and wipers worked intermittently, turn signals not working, brake lights working, car drove perfectly. Next day, turn signals working, power windows not working, radio working, seat belt light working, wipers working. Next day, wipers, power windows not working. All fuzzes good, battery charged, no water in doors or trunk. Bad relay? Which one? Dealer trip required or DIY? Thank you for any suggestions!
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