Hey everyone, Sorry if this is already on here, I found a ton of conflicting info on Google. Is it okay to run Royal Purple Synchromax in my Six Speed 2009 335i? I'm hoping to achieve smoother shifts that people describe with Royal Purple and Redline. Any advice is appreciated, I'm a noob so don't be afraid to explain things in depth.
I haven't used Royal Purple, so no experience there - Redline MTF has worked fine for me in my older cars, haven't tried it in my E92 yet, although I'd expect it to be just fine for that too.
Looks like Redline recommends D4 ATF - see this: http://www.redlineoil.com/news_article.aspx?id=13 That article is from 2009, I'd say call Redline and ask if that recommendation is still the same - I'd guess either the D4 ATF or MTL 75W80 GL-4. http://www.redlineoil.com/Products.aspx?pcid=7 Does your owner's manual show any fluid specs?
Good idea I think I'll give them a call. A local BMW shop recommended D6 ATF but I'm scared to put it in my manual trans before I confirm elsewhere. I'll ask Redline what they recommend
Redline is great fluid I use it in my cars. Check with redline but I know the atf works just as well.
Redline D6ATF is the closest viscosity match to the original MTF-LT-3 fluid. It is actually just a tad thicker. I am currently using it in my E93 335i with no issues. Royal Purple SynchroMax is much too thin for most BMWs. People often suggest it because it makes their synchronizers slip more, thus resulting in better short-term feel, but wearing them out faster.
I have a 2008 Z4 3.0i with 6 spd. Should I use MTL Redline MT-90, 75W-90 GL-4 for my transmission? I changed my transmission fluid on 88 E30 M3 to the Redline and it shifted really well.
See the Redline article link I posted in reply #4 - I'd say call Redline to get a current recommendation.