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E90 owner creates his own DIY "Frozen Grey" matte finish for about $120!

Discussion in 'E90/E91/E92/E93 (2006-2011)' started by bcweir, Sep 8, 2010.

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    ForcedInduction guest

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    A few sheets of 2000 grit wet or dry sandpaper will turn your too-shiny paint into frozen whatever color it is now. ;)
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    Hey i like my shiny paint!

    LOL! you're funny!!!:D
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    Call me negative (sorry) but that is lame.
    Why cover that metallic blue? Just to be different? Go get a tatoo. Oh yeah, that's common too.
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    No, not if you get one of those truly unique barbed wires around your arm, those are unique, right? Oh no, wait, even better!! Get something written in Japanese that you think shows what a deep, unique character you are but it really says something like "toilet" or "lamp".

    (sarcasm off)


    ForcedInduction guest

    Post Count: 358
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    You folks just don't appreciate being under stated... ;)

    TheStigsTwin guest

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    If he was gonna vinyl the car he should have sold advertising space while he was at it. :)

    pinmagic guest

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    LOL! I always figured those tattoos said something like "death to all Americans - we will win next time!"
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    Gawd. He even blacked out the blue parts of his roundels.

    The bottom of my duck boat is that flat back color....
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    Not at all my cup of tea.

    jagman212000 guest

    Post Count: 32
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    Look at the Bright Side

    Once he finally realizes his car looks like a primered beater he can take the wrap back off. He may have to take some paint with it lol but I guess that stuff comes back off. I wouldn't have done it to such a nice car. A beat to death old 300zx sure. An e90 no so much. :confused:

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