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E82 Window Regulator Problem

Discussion in 'E81/E82/E87/E88 (2004-present)' started by EvaUnit02, Mar 23, 2014.

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    I have an E82. I opened the door one morning to go to work, the window rolled slightly down as usual, I shut the door, and then the window make a terrible grinding noise and rolled itself down. After that, it wouldn't roll back up. The motor still worked, though.

    So, I removed the door panel and took a look. I'm not sure how the window regulator is supposed to work exactly but it looked like this plastic worm thing was broken:


    I took various pictures with the window "rolled up" and "rolled down." Rolling it up make the plastic worm gear-type thing move away from the larger plastic piece above it.

    So my questions are:

    1) Does this indeed look broken?

    2) Can I replace just this plastic piece?

    3) I wasn't able to find a part number on realoem.com. Does anyone happen to know what it would be or could shoot me a link to it on realoem.com?

    4) Will replacing this be troublesome? It looked like it may be since it seems to go behind a piece of metal a few inches tall on the door frame. Any tips?

    Thanks in advance for any help you guys can offer.
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    I'm not familiar with what the typical E82 window issues are, although apparently window motor regulators have been a bugaboo since, well, seemingly forever. Seems to be extremely common from E36's forward, which goes back to '92. :eek:

    Not sure if any plastic gear is a primary problem and easily replaced. Check with the odometergears.com gang, they should know about that.
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    Sadly you will need to get a new regulator. Easy to install in the E82 though but they are kinda of a pricy part. Also when you remove the motor inspect to make sure the plastic gear didn't strip out to.
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    Thanks, folks. I've ordered a new regulator.
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    The plastic gear did strip out. I assume that means I need a new motor, yeah?
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    Yes you will need a new motor and regulator.
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