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e46 takes long time to warm up

Discussion in 'E46 (1999-2006)' started by bmwsampc, Dec 12, 2008.

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    My 2003 330i takes forever to warm up and if it's really cold it stays cold (temp gauge stays in the blue) Thermostat?

    I appreciate everyone's help on these matters!
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    Sounds like it. You should have a check engine light on for that.
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    It's the thermostat, it's stuck open. Drop in a new one, it's pretty easy.

    Check e46fanatics for install info.

    Here is one thread about doing one on a similar car to yours. I know you have the 3.0l and this is for the 2.5 but same basic premise.

    Just remember, keep some kitty litter handy. No matter how careful you are there will be some coolant spilled on the ground.

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