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E46 Noise (Brakes??)

Discussion in 'E46 (1999-2006)' started by leland, Mar 22, 2008.

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    2003 330Ci with 30K miles. I hear a noise that sounds a little like a pressure relief after the car has moved about 10 feet from a stop. I also hear it when applying the brakes as the car is almost stopped. It does it most of the time but not every time. It sounds as if it is coming from the left rear wheel area. The brakes also make a noise when they are applied while backing up. Any ideas?
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    The pressure relief sound could be the flap in the stock muffler. It closes one pipe at lower rpms to avoid a droning sound from the exhaust.

    Maybe with a more precise description of the brake noise backing up you'll get some suggestions.

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