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E46/E85/E86 rear axles discontinued by BMW

Discussion in 'E46 M3 (2001-2006)' started by Shiro_se, May 30, 2022.

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    I figured as there are many more M3s than M Coupes and M Roadsters, I would post this here.

    BMW has discontinued our drive axles (even the remans) and the aftermarket hasn't seemed to pick up the slack yet. There are cheap 'E46 3 series and Z4' base' axles in the market, but no proper options for us M owners. ECS Tuning reviews of the aftermarket options leave much to be desired.

    Has anyone found any good options for replacement axles or has there ever been any success with campaigns to get BMW to produce parts for cars over 15 years old?

    I damaged one of my axles when replacing my wheel bearings and although the boot is undamaged, the stamped steel component that is crimped on the outer CV seem to not be holding the grease in the outer CV joint.

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