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e39 m5 noise at 2000 rpm

Discussion in 'E39 (1997-2003)' started by bgoss, Dec 7, 2013.

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    Hi, I am a retired USAF Colonel and live in Northern Virginia . I own a 2000 e39 m5 w/79k miles. It has developed a pulsing harmonics noise ( whaa, whaa, whaa ) most prominent at 2000 rpm in any gear and out of gear. I have a friend who has a 2001 w/140k miles that also has this noise. This noise can be heard at 4000 rpm also. It is diminished somewhat by the road noise. It purrs like a kitten at idle and runs strong. Anyone have any experience with something like this.

    Thanks, Bill
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    most engine noise from a e39 engine could be the vanos but is almost impossible to say with out hearing the noise.

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